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A ceremonial event has taken place in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the slogan “My life, my destiny – my native unique Uzbekistan” devoted to the 25th anniversary of the country’s independence.

Representatives of public and state organizations and employees of this sphere attended the event.

Sh.Ghoziyev, the chairman of the Supreme Court, and others have said that in the years of independence under the leadership of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, consistent reforms are being implemented in the country to build a democratic and law-governed state.

The foundations of society are constantly being strengthened in this process where human rights and liberties are of the highest value and where the supremacy of law is ensured.

A judicial system that meets modern democratic requirements has been formed. This is in the interests of the country’s people, and it creates a basis for raising living standards and quality of life, thus building up the country’s prestige in the international community.

The introduction of modern information-communication technologies in the sphere increases the efficiency and quality of the examination of cases.
These measures serve to increase people’s trust in courts.

About one hundred employees of the sphere were awarded the commemorative badge “Ozbekiston mustaqilligiga 25 yil” (the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence) established by the presidential decree dated 1 July 2016.

During the event, these awards were ceremonially given to them.